Friday, October 16, 2009

In Ten Years

I will be 24 living in my own apartment in new York and will be living by my self and I will have my own car that I bought with my own money that I got from my job. I work for a my dad my dad owns his own business and when I work for my dad I wont get fired. The business is a trucking business that ships car parts to plants that make them. I will have a 2010 ford mustang that I bout for myself. I bought my apartment it is in the city by all the stores my job pays 1000 a week. 4000 every month and I have the summers off and all the holidays off with pay. I go to the bar at night a hang out with my friends every Friday. I wake up the next morning and go and get dunckin donuts for breakfast and bring it bake to eat at my apartment .
And I go to football games there and during the week I go to hockey games with my friends and we stay out late and go to the bar cause there is no curfew. And there are no parents to tell me what to do and I can do what every I want cause I will be an adult and I make my own rules. And I don’t have to wake up early to go to school I have to wake up for but I get paid unlike school you don’t get paid you just do work and don’t get paid. I will like my job cause I get to work with my dad and I will get money for doing it I will have some nice stuff like a nice t,v, cause I can by one with 4000 dollars a week

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