Things that I believe in
1.I believe in Saving my money, so I can pay my bills and provide food for me and my family if I have one and if I have a dog. And so I can by what I need and maybe for some of what I want. And so I can buy a good working car that can go fast and pay for gas money. And so I can buy my house be able to take a shower and to stay clean. And my mom always told me to save my money and I am now going to start to save my money.
2.I believe in Eating every meal, so you don’t waste food because some people have no food. Me and my mom would go to a restraint every Tuesday and we would always go to the gas station and give him are left over’s. And if I don’t eat all of my food then rap it up and eat it later. And only making what you know you can eat not more than you can eat so you don’t waste food. And my mom always told me to not waste my food.
3.I believe in Taking care of my things, so I don’t have to spend money on things that are damage. I like to keep my room and my things claen so if i need something i can find it. And if your things are nice you can maybe sell it for some money if it is a classic. And my mom always tells me to take care of my things and to clean my room.
4.I believe in the weak end I go to bed whenever I fall a sleep, because i dont have to wake up for school the next day. i like to watch tv and eat a bunch of food. But my mom doesnt like me to stay up untill i fall asleep.
5.I believe in Turning of the lights when I’m not there so you don’t waste electricity. so you dont have to waste money on lights that are on and your not there. And my mom always tells me if your not there or useing the light then turn it of.
6.I believe in Being nice to people and they will be nice to you back. Because if you are mean to people and you dont know what they can do to you. And my mom always tells me be nice and they are nice back so dont make fun of people.
7.I believe in Going to work on time and never be late, Because if you are late you can get fired and then you might lose your house. Or you will have to stay late and then you will get home late.
8.I believe in haveing respect for people who care for you and love you and be nice to old people.
9.I believe in helping people and helping my parents. helped this old lady acros the streat from my house with moweing her lawn and helping her arouned her house.
10.I believe in going out side and not spending a nice hot day in side you should go out side and hang out with your freinds and go somewere.